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Hilo Converter

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Lynx Studio Technology: Hilo Remote for iPad

Hilo Remote Main Screen
Full Screen Scrolled Right
LSlot Hidden
Adapter Section Hidden
Adapter and LSlot Hidden
Hilo Remote RTA
RTA Choices
About Hilo Remote

Hilo Remote is a free iPad application from Lynx that allows extensive control, monitoring and visual reference when using the Lynx Hilo Reference AD/DA Converter System. Hilo Remote on the iPad can operate in “wired” mode to a Hilo USB using the appropriate Apple Camera Kit or by WiFi to a Hilo USB or Hilo Thunderbolt connected to your computer using LynxRedirector, a free application available from Lynx.

Hilo Remote is divided into two main pages, the “Monitor” page and the “RTA” page. The Monitor page extends the Hilo’s already impressive everything-to-everything routing and extensive metering capabilities to include independent level control for every channel and full panning for each input to output channel. Channel pairs may be linked together to have both the left and the right channels work together, or unlinked to allow independent control over each mono channel. As with Hilo itself, the Headphone output and the ADAT input only show up on the monitor page when the device is actually connected to the Hilo.

On the left side of the Monitor page, the “Adapter” panel shows Sample Clock information including clock source, current sample rate, and SynchroLock status. Line In and Line Out trim settings can be monitored and changed, as well as selection of Digital In Source, Digital Out Mode and enabling Sample Rate Conversion. The Adapter panel may be hidden any time. The LSlot section allows easy routing, monitoring and metering for up to 16 channels of USB or Thunderbolt I/O.

The RTA page displays the impressive stereo 1/3 octave Real-time Spectrum Analyzer (RTA) built into the Hilo. Any input or output source may be selected for display and analysis. Peak hold is selectable as automatic (2 second hold time) or manual, where peaks values will be held until the reset button is pushed. The range of the RTA meters may be changed in 3dB increments independent of the display on the Hilo.

Hilo Remote is a free application for the iPad, Macintosh OS X and Windows and may be downloaded from:

The free LynxRedirector application is available for Windows and Macintosh OS X and may be download from:

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